It's that time of year again!! Time to enjoy summer with the Phat Girls! I don't know about anyone else, but I have tons of things to do in this short two months. So just for my own accountability purposes here is a short list of the things I plan to do with my two months.
1. Thing 1 and Thing 2 are just shy of 23 months. When did that happen? They need some training. Daycare has been very good for them, but now it is time for mommy to train them for her own evil purposes. This summer we will be training them to sleep in big boy beds (starting tonight), pick up their toys, and possibly even dabble in some potty training. This promises to be a wild, hilarious ride so I will be sure to keep you updated with all of them details.
2. Cooking. All sorts of cooking will be happening all summer. I have some new gadgets that I want to try out, but more importantly we ate out way too much this school year. That has to stop. I can't promise any super healthy or organic stuff, but it will be quick and easy.
3. DIY. This one is fun for me. I have plans for a door decoration thing-y that will be easy to change for holidays, some dress-making, clothes for Thing 1 and Thing 2, and outside decorations.
4. Exercise. Do I really have to put this one on here? The short answer is yes. If I don't put it on here I won't do it. I have acquired a double-jogging stroller and I plan to use it. I will take pictures occasionally of all of the pretty and odd, and pretty odd things that we will see.
5. Brag on myself. I plan on doing some pretty serious de-junking and organizing. So don't be surprised to see the occasional before and after, possibly accompanied by a short explination.
6. Learning with God. If I hit upon some really deep or not so deep understanding, I'll be sure and share it.
That's it. Sorry for the lack of pictures, there will be lots of pictures very, very soon. I wonder what Jocelyn will be doing this summer.....???
What about you guys? What are you doing this summer?